Dote Timer – Tutorial ENG

Dotetimer Tutorial

The only way to get focused on your task!

Start Dotetimer!

Install Dotetimer App

Through Google Playstore, Install “Dotetimer app” and open it!

Let's Get Started with Dotetimer!

After you skim over Dotetimer help, and then let’s get started Dotetimer!


By just flipping the phone, get rid of any interruption!

① Make Multiple Plans

To activate “Flip the timer”, the first thing you should do is “Make Plans”.

Click on [Select your plan] – [Add a plan] and then make a plan for today.

"Flip the phone" Timer

After you make multiple plans for today, all of plans are being categorized.
Select one among your plans and flip your phone! And then the timer is getting started.

*Less than 15 seconds are not being recorded, so keep in your mind!

*Turn off the screen by pressing the power button after turning it over to save battery consumption.

Setting D-DAY

You can also write your important and memorable date in D-DAY.
(It could be an anniversary, exam date and upcoming events which you always need to remind of.)

Click on “+”  and then fill in the title and set an end date!

Plans & Records

Automatic records to boost your real action!

List your Plans

As you make a to-do list, you can see all plans listed depending on the importance of tasks. While flipped the phone, records are automatically filled out.

Through records, you can check which plans are being delayed than you expected
And get an insight for making another day’s plan!

Customize Plan Color

If you purchase Premium model, more various colors would be added.
We are currently offering 12 colors and willing to add more.
You could edit the color of plans to whatever you want.


For your long-term time management, various types of statistics are essential!

Annual Statistics

Check out your annual statistics and be round off the year!
Depending on the degree of concentration, statistics are recorded by 5 types of color.

You can recognize the concentrativeness of specific date when you click on each space.

Statistics for Steady Plans

Premium model would provide you more detailed statistics!
With concentrated and cumulative time statistics, you can be easy to make constant routine.

Specific Statistics by Period

Premium model would provide you more detailed statistics!
By Timezone and Days, More specific statistics will be given to you!
Boost your concentration on specific time and day.


The more you concentrated on your tasks, the more you could donate to people!


If you concentrated on your plans,
1 coin will be given per 10 mins.

Collected coins by users would be
donated to a charity center!

Donation ranking

We have a kind of community
to share donation ranking.

Be motivated and communicating
with other users!